LAMP Manual

Sub-message load balancing illustration. (a) Task graph before and after spliting without load balancing; (b) Task mapping and routing in NoC-basedsystem; (c) Original splitting without spliting; (d) Splitting with temporal load balancing; (e) Splitting with temporal and spatial load balancing.

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This is the algorithm to generate the routing after data splitting. Please read this paper: Chen, Hui, et al. “Parallel Multipath Transmission for Burst Traffic Optimization in Point-to-Point NoCs.” Proceedings of the 2021 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. 2021.

Python dependency:

(to be continued)

Python 3.7.4
pytorch (conda activate msai)

To use this program:

  1. Put the json file for task graph with mapping information
  2. python
  3. The result is saved in the outputs_json folder
  • Copyrights © 2020-2022 Chen Hui
